Vacuum Bags

19 products

You will be needing the info. below to purchase the right vacuum bags

Brand Name Model Name/Number of the vacuum, Use the Search bar and type in the brand name & model name/number, press ENTER to locate your bags.  

Other useful information
For discontinued bags, there might be other similar bags available. Matching your bag's size with the sizes of bags and the attachment templates on this page

Other searching criteria: Types of Vacuum: Canister, Pull Along, BackPack, Ducted, Wet & Dry, Upright and etc.

Can't find it on the website? Click here to Download the PDF. Still can't find it? Contact Us.

Understanding CleanStar's bag product code: 

Eg. AF-xxx = Paper bags
AFxxxxS = Synthetic bags (S)
AFxxxAB = Antibacterial (AB)
CBxxx = Reusable Cloth Bag (CB)
Synthetic bags enables better filtering and have less dust leakage at a slightly higher price.
19 products